Online Meeting
Bill Kristol, Editor-at-Large, The Bulwark, Founder, The Weekly Standard
William Galston, Brookings Institute
Jim Ceaser, University of Virginia
Bill Kristol and William Galston will be meeting for their fifteenth much-anticipated biennial debate following the U.S. election, offering the perspectives of two reflective political participants and shrewd observers, both of them experts at providing what might be called partisan objectivity. This year, they will be joined by Jim Ceaser of the University of Virginia, a seasoned expert in American party politics. Moderated by Harvey Mansfield, Harvard University.
Register: click here to register for the webinar. You will need to have the desktop version of Zoom installed or the Zoom app in order to access the webinar. This event is free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the Program on Constitutional Government at Harvard University.