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Red, Blue and Grey Abstract pattern

Innovations in teaching policymaking

A great article on innovations in teaching the next generation of civic leadersĀ from Assistant Professor of Public Policy and CAPS affiliate, Justin de Benedictis-Kessner:…

CAPS – Harris Poll on Crime and Safety in America

New Harvard CAPS – Harris Poll looks in depth at public opinion on crime and safety in America.  Poll also tracks the state of the county and the current healthcare debate.  The sixth Harvard CAPS – Harris Poll, released on July 27, 2017, focused on crime and safety in the U.S. The poll results show mixed perceptions…

Declaration Resources Project in the NY Times

The Declaration Resources Project discovery of the “The Sussex Declaration” is covered in today’s New York Times.  Please click here for a press release covering the announcement of the “The Sussex Declaration.” The Declaration Resources Project was established by Harvard professor and political philosopher Danielle Allen in 2015. In the course of researching, writing, and discussing her book, Our Declaration, Professor Allen realized…