Dissertation Research Fellowships on the Study of the American Republic

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Dissertation Fellowships On 
The Study Of The American Republic Guidelines


The Center for American Political Studies offers Dissertation Research Fellowships on the Study of the American Republic, made possible by a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities matched by generous Harvard University Alumni. Eligible applications must contain dissertation topics with a direct engagement with the history, principles, and politics of the American Republic. These fellowships are inclusive to students inside the field of political science as well as History, English and American Literature, Philosophy, American Civilization, Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, and others – whose presence would enrich the collective discussion of enduring political, historical, and philosophical themes of the American Republic. Relevant themes include (but are not restricted to) the politics, history and philosophy of the American Founding and the Early Republic, the political philosophy of republicanism (particularly as applied to the United States), the Civil War and its legacies, the politics of slavery and abolition, and political institutions in the United States.

The Terms of the Awards

Dissertation Research Fellowships will be awarded for academic year 2025-2026. Dissertation Research Fellowships provide a monthly stipend (one term) in an amount set annually by GSAS and are awarded in either the Fall or Spring term, depending on the Fellow’s preference. A desk in a shared CAPS office is offered for the full 2025-26 academic year. Fellowship winners will be expected to share their work at CAPS-sponsored occasions during the award year.


  • Any Harvard Ph.D. candidate in a relevant graduate program may apply if they are doing a dissertation about some aspect of the American Republic. Comparisons across nations are eligible if the study of the American Republic is the major focus of the project. Projects in normative political theory are also eligible, provided that empirical patterns are a major aspect of the study. 
  • Any student entering year G-5 and below may apply for a research fellowship.
  • If you are planning to take a completion fellowship in 2025-26, please do not apply for this research fellowship. 
  • Research fellowship awardees may do a small amount of teaching/thesis advising equivalent to .2 FTE or less during the term they receive their stipend, but such supplementary work must not conflict with the Ph.D. research plan and CAPS must be consulted prior to acceptance.  

Application Guidelines

  • A signed cover letter with the following information: a one-paragraph synopsis of your dissertation research; the names of two recommenders; your planned teaching responsibilities during the fellowship term if applicable; and any other information you consider pertinent. 
  • Statement of purpose (two to four pages, double spaced) clearly describing the dissertation topic’s direct engagement with the history, principles, and politics of the American Republic. There should be a brief indication of your progress to date and timetable for completion.
  • A bibliography identifying major primary and secondary sources.
  • Current resume, not to exceed two pages.
  • Current transcript.
  • Two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from the dissertation adviser. CARAT will generate a request to your recommenders once you input their information. The deadline for receipt of letters of recommendation is the same as the application.

Application Submission and Deadline

  • Submit your application via CARAT / carat.fas.harvard.edu/.
  • Application deadline: February 14, 2025
  • No applications will be accepted after this deadline.