The Center for American Political Studies currently has two Fellowship programs, the CAPS Fellows, launched in 2022-23, and the Dissertation Research Fellowships on the Study of the American Republic.
The CAPS Fellows Program
The CAPS Fellows program, launched in 2022, provides research funding, research assistance (RA) support, conference support, and mentorship to the Fellows. Their appointment as Fellows is for the length of their time as graduate students. Fellows are selected annually from nominations made by Harvard faculty. New fellows are appointed each spring.
Dissertation Research Fellowships on the Study of the American Republic
Made possible by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Center for American Political Studies offers Dissertation Research Fellowships on the Study of the American Republic. Eligible applications must contain dissertation topics with a direct engagement with the history, principles, and politics of the American Republic. These fellowships are inclusive to students inside the field of political science as well as History, English and American Literature, Philosophy, American Civilization, Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, and others – whose presence would enrich the collective discussion of enduring political, historical, and philosophical themes of the American Republic. Relevant themes include (but are not restricted to) the politics, history, and philosophy of the American Founding and the Early Republic, the political philosophy of republicanism (particularly as applied to the United States), the Civil War and its legacies, the politics of slavery and abolition, and political institutions in the United States.
Interested in the CAPS Study of the American Republic application guidelines? Click here to learn more.
Graduate Seed Grant
To encourage innovative research by graduate students on any aspect of contemporary American politics, CAPS offers Research Seed Grants to support data collection, research-related travel, or expenses connected with making presentations at professional or scholarly meetings. Grants up to a maximum of $1,000 are available to cover expenses of data collection or travel to obtain research materials; grants up to a maximum of $500 are available to help cover costs of travel to present a paper at a professional meeting or research conference.
Interested in the CAPS Graduate Seed Grant guidelines? Click here to learn more.