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179 results found.

Danielle Allen

James Bryant Conant University ProfessorDirector, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
Danielle Allen Headshot

Marcella Alsan

Angelopoulos Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School

Kenneth Alyass

Ph.D. Candidate in History
Kenneth Alyass Headshot

Hanna Amanuel

Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology
Hanna Amanuel headshot

Keziah Anderson

Ph.D. Student in History

Nicholas Anderson

Postdoctoral Fellow, Program on Constitutional Government
Nicholas Anderson Headshot

Stephen Ansolabehere

Frank G. Thomson Professor of Government
Stephen Ansolabehere, Professor of Government Headshot

Marco M. Aviña

Ph.D. Candidate in Government and Social PolicyCAPS Fellow, 2022-23
Marco Mendoza Avina Headshot

Natalie Ayers

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Natalie Ayers Headshot

Nicolette Bardele

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Nicolette Bardele headshot

Ione Barrows

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Ione Barrows headshot

David Beavers

Ph.D. Candidate in GovernmentCAPS Study of the American Republic Fellow, 2024-25
David Beavers Headshot

Aaron Benavidez

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Aaron Benavidez headshot

Kate Birkbeck

Research Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Bernadette Blashill

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Bernadette Blashill headshot

Lawrence D. Bobo

W. E. B. Du Bois Professor of the Social SciencesDean of the Division of Social Sciences
Lawrence D. Bobo Headshot

Matthew Brooke

Ph.D. Candidate in SociologyCAPS Study of the American Republic Fellow, 2022-23
Matthew Brooke Headshot

Justin Brooks

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Justin Brooks Headshot

Jacob Brown

Assistant Professor, Boston UniversityCAPS Study of the American Republic Fellow, 2020-21
Jacob Brown Headshot

Phoebe Cai

Ph.D. Candidate in EconomicsCAPS Fellow, 2022-23
Phoebe Cai Headshot

Antonio Camara

Ph.D. Candidate in GovernmentCAPS Fellow, 2023-24
Antonio Camara Headshot

Daniel Carpenter

Allie S. Freed Professor of GovernmentChair of the Department of Government in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Daniel Carpenter Headshot

Hannah Castner

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Hannah Castner headshot

Jeremiah Cha

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Jeremiah Chaalso Headshot

Minjin Chae

PhD Student in Sociology
Minjin Chae headshot

Guy-Uriel Charles

Faculty, Harvard Law School
Guy-Uriel Charles Headshot

Brianna Cheng

Ph.D. Student in History

Sahil Chinoy

Ph.D. Candidate in Economics
Sahil Chinoy Headshot

Jane Choi

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Jane C Choi Headshot

Mina Cikara

Professor of Psychology
Mina Cikara headshot

Matthew Cohen

Ph.D. Student in Government

Marissa Combs

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Marissa Combs headshot

Aleksandra Conevska

Ph.D. Candidate in Government

Aidan Connaughton

Ph.D. Candidate in GovernmentCAPS Fellow, 2022-23
Aidan Connaughton headshot

Nicholas Conroy

Ph.D. Student in GovernmentCAPS Fellow, 2024-25
Nicholas Conroy headshot

Clayton Covington

PhD Student in Sociology
Clayton Covington headshot

Hannah Craig

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Hannah Craig headshot

Mary Soledad Craig

Ph.D. Student in Government and Social PolicyCAPS Fellow, 2024-25
Mary Soledad Craig headshot

Kenneth Cruz-Sanchez

Master’s Student in Public Health
Kenneth Cruz-Sanchez headshot

Angelo Dagonel

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Angelo Dagonel Headshot

Alice Danon

Ph.D. Candidate in Public Policy
Alice Danon headshot

Matthew Dardet

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Matthew Dardet Headshot

Noah Dasanaike

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Noah Dasanaike Headshot

Justin de Benedictis-Kessner

Faculty, Taubman Center for State and Local Government, Harvard Kennedy School
Justin de Benedictis-Kessner Headshot

John Deschler

Ph.D. Candidate in Public Policy
John Deschler headshot

Bnaya Dreyfuss

Ph.D. Candidate in Economics

Soren Dudley

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Dudley Soren Headshot

Major Eason

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Major Eason headshot

Daniel Ebanks

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Government
Daniel Ebanks headshot

Emma Ebowe

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Emma Ebowe headshot

Celia Eckert

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Celia Eckert Headshot

Benjamin Enke

Faculty, Department of Economics
Benjamin Enke Headshot

Ryan D. Enos

Faculty Director, CAPS
Ryan Enos Headshot

Nayun Eom

Ph.D. Student in Sociology

Daniel Evrard

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Daniel Alain Evrard headshot

Sam Fuller

Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for American Political Studies

Archon Fung

Winthrop Laflin McCormack Professor of Citizenship and Self-Government at the Harvard Kennedy School

Claudine Gay

Wilbur A. Cowett Professor of Government and Professor of African and African American Studies
Claudine Gay Headshot

Meylin Gonzales Huaman

PhD Student in Sociology
Meylin Gonzales Huaman headshot

Joshua Greene

Professor of Psychology

Michael Hankinson

Assistant Professor of Political Science, George Washington University
Michael Hankinson Headshot

Alice Heath

Ph.D. Candidate in Public Policy
Alice Heath Headshot

Kiara Hernandez

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Kiara Hernandez Headshot

Melissa Hernandez Jasso

Ph.D. Student in Sociology

Eitan Hersh

Professor of Political Science at Tufts University
Eitan Hersh headshot

Huey Hewitt

Ph.D. Candidate in African and African American Studies
Huey Hewitt headshot

Brian Highsmith

Academic Fellow in Law and Political Economy at Harvard Law SchoolPh.D. candidate in Government and Social Policy at Harvard University
Brian Highsmith Headshot

Jennifer Hochschild

Henry LaBarre Jayne Professor of Government and Professor of African and African American Studies American Politics
Jennifer Hochschild Headshot

Uma Ilavarasan

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Uma Ilavarasan Headshot

Kosuke Imai

Faculty, Department of Government and Department of Statistics
Kosuke Imai headshot

Tayla Ingles

Ph.D. Student in Government
Tayla Ingles headshot

Ja’nae Jackson

Ph.D. Student in GovernmentCAPS Fellow, 2024-25
Ja'nae Jackson headshot

Libby Jenke

Visiting Faculty, Government
Libby Jenke Headshot

Walter Johnson

Winthrop Professor of History and Professor of African and African American Studies at Harvard University

Micah Kaats

Ph.D. Candidate in Public Policy

Andrew Kao

Ph.D. Student in Economics
Andrew Kao headshot

Nolan Kavanagh

MD/PhD Student in Health Policy

Christopher Kenny

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Chris Kenny headshot

Woojin Kim

Research Fellow, The People Lab at the Harvard Kennedy School
Woojin Kim Headshot

Gary King

Albert J. Weatherhead III University Professor at Harvard University Director, Institute for Quantitative Social Science
Gary King headshot

Amy Lakeman

Independent ScholarHarvard Government Ph.D. ’22
Amy Lakeman Headshot

Michele Lamont

Professor of Sociology and of African and African American StudiesRobert I. Goldman Professor of European Studies
Michele Lamont Headshot

Magdalena Larreboure

Ph.D. Student in Public PolicyCAPS Fellow 2024-25
Magdalena Larreboure headshot

Oliver Lazarus

Ph.D. Candidate in History of ScienceCAPS Study of the American Republic Fellow, 2024-25
Oliver Lazarus headshot

Taeku Lee

Bae Family Professor of Government
Taeku Lee Headshot

Nicole Letourneau

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Nicole Letourneau headshot

Steven Levitsky

Faculty, Department of Government
Steven Levitsky Headshot

Jialu Li

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Jialu Li Headshot

Qi Liu

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Qi Liu Heashot

Naijia Lu

Faculty, Department of Government
Naijia Lu Headshot

Przemyslaw Matt Lukacz

Ph.D. Student in History of Science

Kristin Lunz Trujillo

Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of South Carolina
Kristin Lunz Trujillo Headshot

Evan MacKay

Ph.D. Student in Sociology and Social PolicyCAPS Fellow, 2023-24
Evan MacKay headshot

Mashail Malik

Faculty, Department of Government
Mashail Malik Headshot

Amelia Malpas

Ph.D. Student in GovernmentCAPS Fellow, 2024-25
Amelia Malpas headshot

Dorothy Manevich

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Dorothy Manevich Headshot

Hayley Manges

Ph.D. Student in GovernmentCAPS Fellow, 2023-24
Hayley Manges headshot

Harvey C. Mansfield

William R. Kenan Jr., Professor of Government, Emeritus
Harvey C. Mansfield Headshot

Alecia McGregor

Faculty, Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Health Policy and Management
Alecia McGregor headshot

Adrianna McIntyre

Faculty, Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Health Policy and Management
Adrianna McIntyre Headshot

Elizabeth McKenna

Assistant Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School
Elizabeth McKenna headshot

Joaquim Meira

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Joaquim Meira headshot

Ethan Miles

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Ethan Miles Headshot

Julia Minson

Associate Professor of Public Policy
Julia Minson headshot

Kiran Misra

Ph.D. Candidate in GovernmentCAPS Fellow, 2022-23
Kiran Misra headshot

Can Mutlu

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Can Mutlu headshot

Daniel Naftel

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School

Eric Nelson

Faculty, Department of Government
Eric Nelson Headshot

Eve O’Connor

Ph.D. Candidate in American Studies

Catharina O’Donnell

Ph.D. Candidate in SociologyCAPS Study of the American Republic Fellow, 2024-25
Catharina O'Donnell headshot

Andrew O’Donohue

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Andrew O'Donohue headshot

Charlotte O’Herron

Ph.D. Student in Sociology and Social Policy
Charlotte O'Herron

Chika Okafor

PhD Candidate in EconomicsRadcliffe Fellow, Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study
Chika Okafor headshot

Osaremen Okolo

Ph.D. Student in History of Science

Aleksei Opacic

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Aleksei Opacic headshot

Costas Panagopoulos

Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Northeastern University
Costas Panagopoulos headshot

Paul Peterson

Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of GovernmentDirector of the Program on Education Policy and Governance
Paul Peterson Headshot

Vincent Pons

Faculty, Harvard Business School, BGIE
Vincent Pons Headshot

Saúl Ramírez

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Saúl Ramírez Headshot

Reed Rasband

Ph.D. Candidate in Government

Hunter Rendleman

Postdoctoral Researcher & Incoming Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Hunter Rendleman headshot

Madison Renner

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Madison Renner headshot

Nefara Riesch

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology and Social Policy
Nefara Riesch headshot

Marcel Roman

Assistant Professor, Department of Government
Marcel Roman headshot

James Rosenberg

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
James Rosenberg headshot

Laura Royden

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Laura Royden Headshot

Dean Ryu

Ph.D. Candidate in Finance
Dean Ryu headshot

Sarah Sadlier

Ph.D. Candidate in HistoryCAPS Study of the American Republic Fellow, 2022-23
Sarah Sadlier Headshot

Robert J. Sampson

Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences
Robert J. Sampson headshot

Mari Sanchez

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Mari Sanchez Headshot

Jaime Sánchez, Jr.

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Jaime Sanchez, Jr. headshot

Michael Sandel

Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government
Michael Sandel Headshot

Adrian Scheibler

Ph.D. Student in Government
Adrian Scheibler headshot

Benjamin Schneer

Faculty, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Benjamin Schneer Headshot

Priyanka Sethy

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Priyanka Sethy headshot

Noah Shenker

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Noah Shenker headshot

Sooahn Shin

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Sooahn Shin headshot

Emily Silcock

Ph.D. Student in Economics
Emily Silcock headshot

Dominic Skinnion

Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Government
Dominic Skinnion headshot

Theda Skocpol

Victor S. Thomas Professor of Government and Sociology
Theda Skocpol Headshot

L. Ash Smith

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Ash Smith headshot

James Snyder

Leroy B. Williams Professor of History and Political Science
James Snyder Headshot

Sebastian Spitz

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Sebastian Spitz headshot

Max Spohn

Ph.D. Student in Public Policy
Max Spohn headshot

Leah Stein

Ph.D. Student in GovernmentCAPS Fellow, 2024-25
Leah Stein headshot

Nicholas Stephanopoulos

Faculty, Harvard Law School
Nicholas Stephanopoulos Headshot

Elliot Stoller

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology & Organizational Behavior
Elliot Stoller Headshot

Joel Suarez

Assistant Professor of History and of Social Studies

Lawrence Summers

President Emeritus of Harvard University
Lawrence Summers Headshot

Rochelle Sun

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Rochelle Sun headshot

David Sutton

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
David Sutton headshot

Jing Ling Tan

Ph.D. Student in Government
Jin Ling Tan headshot

Ben TerMaat

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Ben TerMaat headshot

Stephanie Ternullo

Assistant Professor, Department of Government
Stephanie Ternullo headshot

Brandon Terry

Faculty, African and African American Studies and Social Studies Departments
Brandon Terry Headshot

Elizabeth Thom

Ph.D. Candidate in Government and Social Policy
Elizabeth Thom headshot

Dustin Tingley

Professor of Government, Harvard University
Dustin Tingley headshot

Eric Torres

Ph.D. Student in Education

Kevin Troy

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Kevin Troy Headshot

Jessica Urzua

Ph.D. Student in Sociology and Social Policy

Dominic Valentino

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Dominic Valentino Headshot

Stan Veuger

Visiting Scholar in Economics
Stan Veuger Headshot

Arjun Vishwanath

Assistant Professor of Political Science at Boston University
Arjun Vishwanath Headshot

Shivram Viswanathan

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Shivram Viswanathan headshot

Jacob Waggoner

Ph.D. Candidate in Government and Social Policy
Jacob Waggoner Headshot

Benjamin Waldman

Ph.D. Student in GovernmentCAPS Fellow, 2023-24
Benjamin Waldman headshot

Joseph Wallerstein

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology
Joseph Wallerstein headshot

Kirsten Walters

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Kirsten Walters Headshot

Yinan Wang

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Yinan Wang headshot

Helen Webley-Brown

Ph.D. Student in Political Science
Helen Webley-Brown headshot

Kabl Wilkerson

Ph.D. Student in History
Kabl Wilkerson headshot

Julius Wilson

Ph.D. Candidate in Government and Social PolicyCAPS Fellow, 2022-23
Julius Wilson Headshot

Lucas Woodley

Ph.D. Student in Psychology

Samantha Wyman

Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Samantha Wyman Headshot

Roni Yadlin

Ph.D. Candidate in Public Policy
Roni Yadlin headshot

David Yang

Faculty, Department of Economics
David Yang Headshot

Sun Young Park

Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Sun Young Park Headshot

Michael Zanger-Tishler

Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology and Social Policy
Michael Zanger-Tishler Headshot

Daniel Ziblatt

Eaton Professor of Government, Department of Government
Daniel Ziblatt headshot